Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bare Bones CD

I'm recording a CD titled "Bare Bones." The concept is pretty basic. All of the songs are going to be accurate representations of my live solo stuff; just me and my acoustic guitar... no bells & whistles, just the bare bones.

I am challenging myself here. I’ve always been impressed by simplicity and I believe that great songs ultimately come from the core, not from many effects, gimmicks or flashy stuff. These things can be great, but that’s not what I’m trying to do here. The goal this time is to create an exciting CD using just the “bare bones” technique; One guitar track & one vocal track. …Good luck me!

The first two songs I’ve recorded are “One Lane Highway” & “Vicious Circle.” I’ve uploaded them to my music player already. These may not be the final versions for the CD, but you’ll get the idea. I may record as many as 20 songs, but I'll narrow it down for the CD. I've got some new material that's quite different from my older stuff that I'm excited about. I'll probably release it sometime in the spring, however I'll post a few more songs here over the next little while.
