Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Album #2 in the planning stages.

I've decided to record again! I have a bunch of new songs written and I'm in the process of refining them. I had so much fun recording my first album, "Bare Bones", however, this next one going to be something very different. My goal is to harness the talent of some incredible musicians in the beautiful Annapolis Valley where I live. The goal is to create something with a variety of instruments and song styles. In other words, quite the opposite of "Bare Bones!"

Some new Songs I've written are: "The Earth Still Spins", which is a mellow little one about keeping your chin up in the worst of times. There is also "Things I Want To Take Back," which is a tune about my youth, and a rocker; "What Would I Do Without Rock 'n' Roll". - This one is pretty fun with a cool lyrical hook. There are also a few old songs that I've had for a long time that I may include - "Mind Over Matter" and "Seconds a Minute long" - two more rockers.

Another decision I have to make is if I will re-record a few of the best songs from my first album. I might. I like how they are recorded but It would also be great to give them some more life by recording them with a band. Everything is in the planning stages and It will be a while before I actually start recording, but I'm excited about the possibilities and the creative juices are flowing.

...In Other news. THIS is what I've been doing lately; Entertaining my new little boy. He's awesome. I wrote some kid's songs too!